However we can’t resist going round the bay to the beach at the other end, at the side of Villa Shivkov. It is a white concrete structure guarded by a lot of signs and ad hoc barricades prohibiting entry probably with a lot less vehemence than when it was occupied.
It seems relatively uncared for and the wooded approach to it (which was certainly also off limits to the average comrade) is now full of parked cars. When we get to the beach, however, we can see that someone does appear to be living there – a lone woman stands at a huge window for a long time, looking out to sea.
After dinner I do the planned walk with L — a complete round trip starting at the hotel. It was even better than I hoped. I did the walk with binaural earphone mikes. These are especially effective if you listen to the playback through headphones. Walking with L, however, has one drawback — both of us have to bite our tongues every couple of minutes so as not to put our flights of fancy, book comments and general conversation into the record.